Print Avery address labels

You can print Avery address labels using two programs - E-Z Contact Book and Avery software. This can be done in 3 steps:

I. Create a Tag for the mailing list in E-Z Contact Book
II. Export contacts from E-Z Contact Book
III. Design and print labels using 'Avery Print Online'

I. Create a Tag for contacts mailing list

  1. Create a new tag, for example "Mailing List".

  1. Select the contacts you want to print the address labels for from your groups or even the main listing ALL CONTACTS by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking contacts one by one. You can also select several entries at once by selecting one and scrolling up or down arrow keys or mouse wheel, while holding Shift key.
  2. Once the desired contacts are selected (highlighted), right click the mouse button and select 'Add/Remove Tag', then select the tag name from the submenu to assign this tag to all of the selected entries. See how to use tags in more details here.

  1. Navigate to the Tags tab, and review the tag content to ensure you have everyone you want on your label printing list.
    • You can tag contacts from multiple groups
    • Don't use the same tag to both Business and Personal contacts; use two separate tags for each type. This is because Personal and Business addresses belong to different data fields.

II. Export contacts from E-Z Contact Book

  1. Select the tag you created in section I.
  2. Select all the contacts you want to print labels for (Ctrl + A to select all).
  3. Click the button on the tool bar, and select 'Export Avery Mail List for selected contacts'.
  4. Review the addresses in the following dialog, and filter them if necessary.
  5. Click the Export button, and save the .CSV file anywhere you can easily find it.

Tip: Give the file a meaningful name, for example Mailing-List-201N.csv

Next, choose a suitable label template from Avery website. Avery offers wide variety of ready to use label templates, plus you can design your own custom template.

To use Avery design software, you will need to create a free account. Once the account created, sign in to MyAvery.

III. Design and print labels using 'Avery Print Online'

Note: Avery can make changes to its website, so provided screenshot may not exactly match those you will see in the online editor.

  1. Click Templates > Design & Print Online link.
  2. Click the type of product, for example 'Address & Shipping'.
  3. Scroll up/down to select a suitable product, for example, 5260 (30/sheet), then click 'Select this Product'.
  4. Choose label design, then click 'Select this Design'.
  5. Most label designs have three lines: Name, Address, and City State Zip Code. You are going to replace these three lines with the data fields from Mail Merge file. Before doing that, select all three text fields in the label designer as follows:

  1. Click 'Import Data' on the left, then another button 'Import Data':

  1. In the following dialog, browse to select the .CSV file you have exported from E-Z Contact Book in the section II.
  2. Once data from the file is imported, review the list.
  3. Click Next. You will see a simple editor with 'Available fields' on the left, and 'Arrange fields' on the right.
  4. Drag and drop the fields in the proper order. Also pay attention to the TIP on this page. At the end, you should see the field mapping like this:

  1. Click Next, then Finish. You should see the result of your mapping:

  1. Now you can adjust the position of the text relative to the label boundaries, change font and other attributes. When you are satisfied, click 'Preview & Print'.
  2. At last, you can see the preview of your label project, which is ready to print. You can zoom in to see it in more details.

You may want to print one test page from your project on a regular paper before you load Avery paper into your printer, as Avery templates are more expensive. By placing the printed page on top of a blank Avery page, you can make sure the labels are exactly in the desired places.